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When it comes to eating healthy, it is no easy task, because ensuring that you maintain a healthy diet is one of the strictest and best decisions which you can make. Not only does eating well ensure that your appearance and looks get better, it also ensures that you save your money on costs which could be incurred as a result of health issues.

Now, even if your intention is to eat healthy, knowing what to eat poses another challenge. Basically, you would be required to stick to a diet which contains lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, eggs, dairy products, whole grain and a host of others. You would also be required to stay away from carbonated drinks, foods that are high in sugar, sodas, alcohol and the likes.

The reasons listed below are benefits of having a healthy diet:

  • Increase in productivity: Just like a vehicle, your brain needs all the power it can get to ensure that it functions well. According to a study, workers are more likely to perform better when they improve their diets, than when they just feed on junks. An unhealthy diet ensures that the individual is not able to perform as expected, and they usually experience pain among other health issues.
  • Reduced risk of cancer: A diet which is not healthy could cause obesity, which could lead to the individual coming down with cancer. However, a diet which has enough vegetables and fruits, would ensure that it fortifies the body to fight cancer.
  • Better Heart health and prevention of stroke: There are some people who have heart diseases, and this can be attributed to the fact that their diet was unhealthy. It is necessary that to prevent this, a healthy diet is taken and followed strictly. Also, alongside with this diet, proper exercise should be done.
  • Strong teeth and bones: A diet which has enough magnesium and calcium is needed to develop strong teeth and bones. Having healthy bones ensures that conditions such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is prevented.
  • Better Memory: Studies have shown that those who eat healthy, often had improved memory than those who do not. Foods which are rich in Vitamins C, D and E are useful for this purpose, alongside with fish and omega-3 fatty acids.


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Food is a quintessential necessity for our survival, and it also contribute to our wellness. Asides the fact that it provides for natural life, it is also a good source of deriving enjoyment and being contented. Just like substance abuse which happens to be a common sight, there is also a large tendency that food addiction can be developed.

According to studies, it has been researched that foods which have a high quantity of sugar, fat and salt, can induce the sensors responsible for pleasure in the brain, thereby causing satisfaction and pleasure. This feeling, is similar to the response gotten when a cocaine addict takes cocaine.

Food addiction happens to be a problem which is very common in today’s society. It basically involves having a large eating behaviour, coupled with having unnecessary and frequent cravings for food.

Once a person becomes addicted to food, it would be hard to stop eating, even though they are not hungry. Someone who eats too much, would take in what is more than necessary for nutrition and wellness, and this addiction leads to heart disease, depression, obesity amongst others.

Just like the substance abuse addict, the food addict would continually eat in excess in order to case the endorphin rush which births the feeling of pleasure. Hence, it is very essential that anyone who has food addiction, should seek immediate professional aid.

Below are strong indications that an individual has food addiction:

  • Noticeable weight gain
  • Eating too much
  • Heart problems
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Inability to concentrate

The consequence of food addiction, has the tendency to negatively affect some aspects of your life, and the effects could be frightening. If food addiction is left unchecked, it can consume the food addict, without the individual knowing that his or her life is gradually being ruined.

Negative effects of food addiction:

  • Diabetes
  • Malnutrition
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic pain
  • Stroke
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Chronic fatigue

Psychological effects of food addiction

  • Depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Irritation
  • Panic attack
  • Reduced self esteem
  • Hopelessness

Social effects of food addiction

  • Poor performance at office or school
  • Isolation
  • Unhealthy career
  • Inability to enjoy conventional hobbies
  • Evading social activities

It is essential that quick professional help, is sought for those who are battling with food addiction, before the effects become totally irreversible.


Unable to Stop Eating

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cannot stop eatingFood addiction is a universal phenomenon, but no country suffers from food addiction more than the United States. Approximately 2/3 of adults in the United States are overweight and 30-percent are obese. No other country has statistics quite as high. Even people who are considered to be at a healthy weight in the United States are often addicted to a certain type of food or several types. Food addiction in the United States can be traced back to many factors, and provides an example of what can happen when food addiction is not kept in check.
Food addiction, like any other addiction, is caused by psychological, environmental and biological factors. Biology is probably the most basic and obvious factor that contributes to food addiction. Some people are naturally prone to overeating because of their chemical make up, which may or may not include disease such as a thyroid condition or a hormone imbalance. Psychological contributors such as depression and anxiety can also largely influence a food addiction. Someone trying to cope with a mental disorder or psychological strain will frequently turn to food in order to escape stress. And environmental factors typically play a part in food addiction as well, such as a family member who over eats or family meals that are too largely portioned.
Food addiction can be a particularly difficult addiction to break away from because it has to be controlled, not eradicated. No one has the option to separate themselves from food to end a food addiction; addicts must practice restraint at every meal and every snack in order to make a full recovery. A person can end an addiction to food, but it is not something to take lightly. Many people have had to turn to addiction counseling or rehabilitation to end their food addiction. Food is the easiest substance to abuse because it is so easily accessed. Some food addicts require a detoxification process to restore their physical health, which can be utilized at facilities such as a Vancouver treatment facility or a British Columbia detox center. If you or someone you care about is struggling to end a food addiction, do not wait any longer to contact a mental health professional about addiction recovery.

What is Food Addiction

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food addiction definitionA food addiction is a harmful pattern of compulsive overeating. Some people do it because of biological reasons and some people do it because of psychological reasons. A food addiction is considered an eating disorder and is often accompanied by an inability to manage one’s weight. This type of addiction is unique because it is a substance and a behavioral addiction, where as most addictions are one or the other. The foods ingested release endorphins and create pleasurable chemical reactions of their own, but unlike a drug addiction that is solely about the chemical high, simply the behavior of eating is part of the addiction. It does not always matter what type of food is involved; what matters is the eating itself.

This complex disorder burdens the addict and makes them euphoric at the same time. The process of eating creates the brain pleasure chemical dopamine, which comforts and brings feelings of happiness to the addict in the moment. The ramifications that are soon to follow are not so rewarding, however. The emotion of shame for needing to depend on food quickly overwhelms the addict, often accompanied by body image issues. Physically, being overweight due to a food addiction causes health problems in the form of fatigue, heart disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal issues and more. The cycle of overeating causes uncontrollable cravings, which lead to binge eating, which lead to shame and self-loathing, which lead to a period of punishing one’s self for binging by denying food, which relapses into uncontrollable cravings.

The power of a food addiction over a food addict is overwhelming. A person’s efforts to control a legitimate food addicton are often futile and leave the addict feeling hopeless. There is no reason to attempt recovery from a food addiction if you feel unable to do it alone. Many addiction counselors and mental health professionals specialize in eating disorders with an emphasis on food addiction. If you are ready to change, reach out for help today.

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